Ry2an's Studio

Ry2an's Studio

缘起性空 空性自在

Repeat Academic Survival Analysis
Author: Ruoyan Han Code and data for this case is available at:https://github.com/Ry2an/case_code/tree/master/bios623as3 Introduction:This practicing case is going to repeat partial work of Wondwossen, et al’s paper1.Their paper is focusing on whether the mortality is different of tuberculosis pa...
Understanding Fourier Transform and Wavelet Analysis
This document is a note of learing these two methods. I also recorded videos about fourier transform and wavelet analysis under my bilibili account.(Fourier Transform, Wavelet Analysis) What is Fourier TransformLet’s begin with lights. We know that sunlight seems white but acutally it contain sev...
Simulating SIR Model
This is a note of learning SIR model, which means Suscepted - Infected - Recovered Model. Background Kowledge of the ModelAssume we have a group of people. This group of people is very stable, there is no dying, no birth among them. They are living in a isolated area and there is no move in and m...
Crawling Data From html Based Pages
This practicing project is going to crawl published infectious disease data from official website of health department of Shanghai (上海市卫生与计划生育委员会). This project is finished in 2016. I don’t know whether their website has been updated or not. The name of the department has already changed from “卫计...
Vaccine Making Selling Delivering and Using System
Baisc InformationThis is a Database course assignment I made in 2015. This is the program link. This is a video link of using the program. This project is mainly made by Visual Basic, and also use SQL grammars to operate the .mdb file, which is created by Miscrosoft Office Access. Background Inf...
Using Longitudinal Models To Analyze Steam Games
This is the final assignment of course BIOS 623 at CUNY GSPHHP in Fall 2019Author: Ruoyan Han IntroductionVideo games, as an emerging merchandise, are usually selling their copies through online stores and physical storage disks. Before a game marked by a price and selling on markets, it should b...
Connect Four Chess
During my summer internship, I used ggplot2 a lot. It is a powerful statistic plotting package. However, how could ggplot2 performance in game developing? As I was learning R shiny, I made this chess game based on the two functions in R. This is a snapshot of the interface. Key Features / Func...
这是我2016年带领班上同学做得一次调研,言语中多少透露着一丝稚嫩。现在想起来都是满满的回忆 黄河潮来信息通,豫防不见暮云重 - - 河南省公共卫生相关单位信息化系统 现状调查成员组长:韩若岩 组员(依姓氏排序):陈廷瑞,刘石坚,罗斯元,周前 调查背景随着计算机科学和互联网技术的发展,各行各业都进入了“互联网+”的时代。公共卫生行业因其对于信息传递、分析的及时性、有效性的需求,故信息化系统的建设对于公共卫生行业尤为重要。从 08 年左右逐渐热起来的信息化建设(公共卫生的信息化建设其实更早,在 03 年非典之后就已经开始了) ,经过了 8 年左右时间的搭建,如今信息化平台的效果如何?在进一...
Markdown Cheat Sheet
This page contains most markdown formats. original text could be seen at: https://github.com/Ry2an/markdown_cheat_sheet/blob/master/markdown_cheat_sheet.txt 我展示的是一级标题我展示的是二级标题一级标题二级标题三级标题四级标题五级标题六级标题换行的方式可以两个空格加回车 或者连续两个回车 斜体文本 _斜体文本_ 粗体文本 粗体文本 粗斜体文本 _粗斜体文本_ 居中 左对齐 分隔线 删除线 带下划线文本 Markdown 列...
MySQL Hand Book
数据库SQL指令 笔记本文档为本人学习sql的笔记(虽然我能保证在我的电脑上每部都成功,但若您将本文作为参考也可能遇到我没有遇到的问题) 本文标题级别并不是按照知识系统来划分,而是按照我所学习的资料的章节所划分的 安装 搜索mysql 5.5.27 win64 msi 配置 配置程序在server/bin的文件夹下(如果你安装最后一步没有点开始配置的话来这里启动) 端口3306 字符集utf8 服务器操作启动mysql服务器方法一 根据配置时候设置的服务名,在我的电脑右键,管理,服务和应用程序,服务,里找到mysql5.5(配置的时候设置的服务名为mysql5.5),右键属性...
Ruoyan Han
∫(rare case) = real life