Ry2an's Studio

My Resume

Personal Information

Name: Ruoyan Han

Email: ruoyan.han94@outlook.com

Tel : 86-18537182018

Home Page: https://ry2an.github.io/; https://ry2an.gitee.io


An experienced new graduate master level student in Biostatistics. Trained by multiple biostatistics epidemiology, and computer science courses and also developed projects with different tools (R, R shiny and ggplot2, SAS, MYSQL, SPSS, python). Fluent in oral and written English.

Education Experiences

  • Master of Public Health in Biostatistics
    Sept 2018 - June 2020

School of Public Health, City University of New York (CUNY SPH) New York, NY, United States

Current Cumulative GPA: 3.79

Description: Statistical tools, methods and special problems and solutions in the public health field are taught. Most data types (cross-sectional, survival or longitudinal) and interested variable types in different types of studies could be handled with my knowledge. Skills of learning from literature reviewing and academic writing are also acquired.

  • Bachelor of Medicine in Preventive Medicine Sept 2013 - June 2018</div>

Fudan University Shanghai, China

Description: Medial courses of clinical medicine and publish health fields are assigned in this program. Trained from basic chemical and animal experiments to community health enhance projects.

Awards: Scholarship for excellent students, Fudan University (2014)

  • Secondary Major Data Science (Non - Degree)
    Sept 2015 – Jan 2017

Fudan University Shanghai, China

Description: Fundamental courses of statistics and machine learning are assigned in this program, also trained with different developing tasks.

Internship Experiences

  • Research Intern (Data Group)
    June 2019 – Aug 2019

New York University Langone Health Hospital New York, NY, United States

NYU Children’s Health and Environment Study (NYU CHES)

  • Using R software and SAS to cleaning data from the database of different hospitals and study server

  • Expand functions of local python script to fix data errors.

+Weighting participants’ data to standard population and plotting in R software.

  • Department Information Intern
    March 2018–April 2018

Center for Disease Control of Putuo District Shanghai, China

According to the ICD-10 classification of cancers, summarized data and calculated measurements of patients of Putuo District in a specified format in Excel to submit to superior.

  • Clinical Intern
    March 2017–August 2017

Fifth Hospital of Shanghai Shanghai, China

  • Inquired and recorded disease history and medical tests of patients to help doctors write cases.

  • Assisting the attending doctors in operations included fastening tissues, vessels, and dropping tools.

  • Helped hospitalized patients in cleaning wounds and changing the dressings daily.



Able to implement different univariate and multivariable analyses and interpret results properly. Familiar with different regression models, cox models, and longitudinal regression models.

  • Capstone project of Master degree: An ecology study on rubella by using dynamic model and Time Series Wavelet analysis. (Link: https://ry2an.github.io/2020/07/31/rubella/)

  • Course project: Analyzed relationship between self-reported mental status and obesity. Controlling for multiple chronic diseases with propensity score. Measured the validity of independent variable by using Cronbach alpha. All processes of data cleaning and analyzing are addresses on SAS 9.4. (Link: https://ry2an.github.io/2020/05/20/EPID622/) Presenting in English: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1D54y1Q77m

  • Repeated academic statistics analyses including: survival analysis (log-rank test and cox model), Poisson and Negative Binomial regression in SAS and R. (Details please foward to my blog.)

  • Course project: Analyzed game prices and ratings on the Steam store with longitudinal models. Game prices were treated as the time variable and publishers were treated as individuals. Linear mixed effect models and fixed effect models are used to handle continuous outcome and general estimated equation models are used to deal with discrete outcomes. (Link: https://ry2an.github.io/2020/01/11/Use-Longitudinal-Models-Analyzing-Steam-Games/)

  • Capstone project of Bachelor degree: By utilizing logistic regression in SPSS, the study revealed different factors that can influence the survival time of indwelling needles and their odds ratios on those influences.

Analyzing and Developing tools:

Excellent in R (with R markdown, ggplot2, lattice, xyplot, shiny and statistical testing) SAS, Python and MS Excel; familiar with, SPSS, and ArcGIS. Able to use github as a version controller. Able to write markdown files. Passed NCRE Rank I, II, and III (SQL: Excellent). Here are some cases:

  • [Connecting Four Chess] By utilizing ggplot2 and shiny package in R, a local chess game has been made with user interface and could run by editing and reading local files. (Link: https://github.com/Ry2an/connect_4_chess)

  • [R Tutorial] Made series of videos guiding others who want to learn about R software. (Link: https://space.bilibili.com/2477951/channel/detail?cid=133950)

  • [De Long Research Activity, Fudan University] Embed development by using Python and R software to create a program with user interface and implement some of the map-drawing functions in ArcGIS and used the cancer dataset from annual statistic reports. (Link: https://github.com/Ry2an/hanrygis)

  • [Crawler Programming] Crawling and describe infectious data from Shanghai Center of Disease Control’s website by using python and regular expression to identify. (Link: https://github.com/Ry2an/crawler_prac)

  • [Vaccine database business simulator] This program is a practicing assignment of a database course. SQL orders are embedded in visual basic windows to add, delete, edit and search the .mdb file created by Microsoft Access. (Link: https://github.com/Ry2an/VacSys)


  • Fluently speaking and writing in English and Simplified Chinese.


姓名: 韩若岩

邮箱: ruoyan.han94@outlook.com

电话: 86-18537182018

个人主页: https://ry2an.github.io/; https://ry2an.gitee.io


本人是一名应届毕业的公共卫生硕士(生物统计方向)。经过了生物统计、流行病学及计算机科学等课程的专业训练。可熟练使用不同情况下的回归分析、生存分析、时序数据(多层数据)分析模型。熟练掌握经典的流行病学实验设计及分析方法。熟练使用R, SAS, Python, SPSS, MYSQL等数据处理及统计工具。可以使用英文流利地表述与写作。


  • 公共卫生硕士 (MPH) 生物统计方向
    2018年9月 - 2020年6月

纽约市立大学公共卫生学院 美国纽约州纽约市


  • 医学学士 (BM) 预防医学方向
    2013年9月 - 2018年6月

复旦大学 上海


  • 第二专业 (非学位) 数据科学方向
    2015年9月 – 2017年1月

复旦大学 上海



  • 数据组科研实习生
    2019年6月 – 2019年8月

纽约大学兰贡医院 美国纽约州纽约市

纽约大学儿童健康与环境研究 NYU Children’s Health and Environment Study (NYU CHES)

  • 使用R和SAS软件清理来自医院HIS服务器的数据以用于研究。

  • 帮助修改了python脚本用来处理本地excel表格中的异常数据。

  • 使用R为原始数据按照既往文献中的方法进行加权。

  • 公共卫生专业实习
    2018年3月 – 2018年4月

上海市普陀区疾控中心信息科 上海


  • 临床实习
    2017年3月 – 2017年8月

上海市第五人民医院 上海

  • 辅助外科手术(传递手术工具、维持组织位置、辅助指导老师缝线等)。
  • 临床护理:包括清创、换药、更换导尿管、腹腔化疗注入药物等。
  • 完善住院患者病历。





熟练使用R(包括 R markdown、ggplot2、shiny等功能和拓展包)、SAS、Python、Excel等数据处理和统计软件。对SPSS、ArcGIS有较长时间的使用经历。可以使用GitHub作为版本管理器。会使用markdown格式撰写文本。已通过全国计算机等级考试一级MS Office、二级C语言、三级数据库技术,成绩为优秀。

  • 屏风四子棋:使用R语言的ggplot2和shiny包进行开发。通过读取本地存储的数据实现了本地上实时渲染的四子棋游戏。(链接: https://github.com/Ry2an/connect_4_chess)

  • 复旦大学德隆项目:使用Python 2.7的wxpython和PIL包实现了在本地地图上进行数据可视化的一些功能。(链接: https://github.com/Ry2an/hanrygis)

  • 爬虫项目:使用python伪装浏览器对上海市卫健委(卫计委)月度公开疫情数据进行了爬取。(链接: https://github.com/Ry2an/crawler_prac)

  • 疫苗生产销售使用模拟器:使用Visual Basic嵌套SQL命令对本地的MS Access文件进行增删改查的操作,实现了药厂、批发商、疾控中心、医院、家长间对疫苗的操作。(链接: https://github.com/Ry2an/VacSys)