Ry2an's Studio

Connect Four Chess

Word count: 174Reading time: 1 min
2020/01/10 Share

During my summer internship, I used ggplot2 a lot. It is a powerful statistic plotting package. However, how could ggplot2 performance in game developing? As I was learning R shiny, I made this chess game based on the two functions in R.

This is a snapshot of the interface.


Key Features / Functions

  • Automatically swich player when a player successfully drop a piece.

  • Could notice player that one column is full and cannot drop.

  • Test whether the player won the game after every drop.

  • Transport and save data between local file and R shiny.

Address of this game


Making Process

I also recorded how I created this game. (Here is the video link)

There is no English subtitle in the videos, but the code should be clear to view.

Review of ggplot2 for game developing

Lucky, this game do not need high response speed. I think the best game type that could be made by ggplot2 and R shiny is Text Adventure Games (AVG).


Hope you enjoy.





  1. 1. Key Features / Functions
  2. 2. Address of this game
  3. 3. Making Process
  4. 4. Review of ggplot2 for game developing